Football in Germany - Where to stay

Find ideas here on where to stay by type of accommodation, location, etc.

NB: This page was originally built for Euro 2024, so currently still features mainly the ten host cities (Berlin, Hamburg, Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich and Leipzig).

By type of accommodation

General accommodation searches

For general accommodation searches, try the following sites. 

Germany’s two leading hotel booking portals:


Germany's leading hotel price comparison site:

One of the world’s biggest booking portals:

Well-known hotel chains
For direct searches with some well-known hotel groups operating in Germany, see:

Premier Inn

Leonardo Hotels

Radisson Hotels

NH Hotels

easyHotel (Berlin only)

Hostel accommodation
To search for hostels, go to: 

Holiday homes
To search for holiday homes, try:

To search for campsites, see these campsite portals:



Hire me

If you'd like help finding accommodation to suit your needs and budget, I'm at your service.

Hire me here

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